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Wednesday 15 August 2012

NSFW - Master and servant

~with a gorgeous stranger. He had an interesting view of my midsection where my shirt and blazer had lifted slightly from the hem of my skirt. I wondered if it was riding high enough to show my stomach.
Or worse, my black camisole. I felt the blush return to my cheeks and wondered what the hell was wrong with me, I felt like a fifteen year old wanting to impress the dreamy boy in class.

The lights flickered on and off a few times while we sped along through the tunnel. It was for a few seconds at one point and I swore I felt an electric tickle in the patch of skin playing peepshow between my skirt and my blouse underneath. Had he just swiped a fingertip across my side? It was crazy to think of, wishful thinking at best. I was an attractive woman but hot men on the subway did not reach up and softly stroke a strange woman's torso in full view of all the other riders. Or did they? I was beginning to wish it had been his finger rather than the likely culprit which was the hem of my camisole, shirt or blazer. I looked casually down at him again and saw that he was once again, or still, looking up at me and smiling.

I should have thought he was a creep. His eyes seemed to say "You felt that, right? It wasn't just your imagination hoping I had, I really did!" But there was also something warm in his smile and his eyes. He was the furthest thing from a creep I could conceive of. I wanted to sit on his knee and wrap my arms around his neck. I smiled and blushed and looked away again. I felt flustered and excited, and almost... giddy as the train slowed approaching the next station. People lined up at the doors, prepared to carry on about their business once they got back out into the warm summer day. I felt a chill go up my spine and knew he was still watching me as the tin voice announced the station from the speakers overhead. 

People left our car, new people took their places and it was quite packed by the time we left the station. I'd stepped slightly closer toward him, to accommodate the new bodies crammed into the fast moving tube and his legs were on either side of mine. I thought 'If I fall, I might fall right into him!' and gripped the loop tighter in my left hand. I wanted to switch the briefcase to my left and hang on with my right hand but then my case would be right in his lap or I'd have to face backwards in the train. I could smell the unpleasant stench of the unwashed woman behind me and decided to stay put so I didn't have to smell more of her. And so that if we bumped one another, she'd be bumping into my back.

Again we slowed but it seemed sooner than it should have. The driver came over the speakers, "Good afternoon, ladies and gentleman, this is your captain speaking," he said with a chuckle, "Some delays on the track ahead but we'll be moving again quickly enough. Thanks for your patience." and the speaker buzzed lightly as he turned off the intercom. Some of the other riders sighed or complained to strangers and friends. I just stood there as the train came to a complete stop.

I shifted my weight slightly watching the people around me, some agitated, some resigned to the wait,others with their faces buried in paperbacks. A group of teenaged girls howled with laughter at some joke that was probably only funny to teenaged girls and I tried not to smell the woman behind me. The train started moving again slowly and then the lights flickered off again. And on. And off as it picked up a bit of speed before suddenly lurching to an abrupt stop.

I felt his legs close around mine and his warm, strong hand grab my left thigh, high up under the hem of my skirt, over the top of my stockings as I almost fell over. If it hadn't been for that firm grip, I would have fallen. The smelly lady behind me managed to avoid bumping me for which I was grateful but there was the mystery of that hand high up on the inside of my thigh, loosening it's grip but remaining there against my skin, moving slightly and feeling me twitch in response. 

The lights were still off but it occurred to me that they could come back on at any second and that everyone on the train would see me, with this strange man's hand under my skirt, stroking the top of my thigh. But instead of feeling mortified, I felt very turned on. His thumb slowly brushed my panties. He pushed up, rubbing me roughly through the silk, his grip was firm and so sure, I felt powerless to resist it. I wanted him to reach into my panties and feel how wet he'd made me on this train full of people. He seemed to sense that because he squeezed my bare ass cheek and then pinched it tightly and slid his hand out from under my skirt. The lights came on a few seconds later and our "captain" came back on the overhead and said "here we go, folks!" and the train started moving toward the next station again. 

That forty seconds of darkness  on a subway, on a Tuesday, changed my life forever.~

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